NY Adventure Part 2: Storm King Art Center and Kitchen and Coffee

Hello friends! I hope you're all doing well. Happy weekend! I'm back with the second post from my NY adventures and I'm so excited to share this day with you. Before I got to NY I was talking to one of my favorite people and she suggested we spend a day walking around Storm King Art Center and then going to the town of Beacon, NY for lunch. I loved this idea because I love that area of NY (Hudson Valley area) and really wanted to enjoy being outside as much as possible as the weather was perfect and I was finally out of the oppressive heat for a bit.

The Storm King Art Center was absolutely beautiful and it housed so much interesting art, some of which was made out of just utilizing the land! This post would be incredibly long if I photographed everything, so I'm just going to share a couple of my favorite spots with you.

This first structure was by far my favorite of everything that I saw! It was so cool and geometric and had so many amazing angles. I could have stayed there for an hour just checking out all of the fun angles.

You can see I was treated to another absolutely perfect day!

Gotta love a little sun flare.

This is the structure from the path. It looks so different looking at it straight on rather than walking around inside of the structure. It was so cool, by far my favorite part of our walk!

You know I love water so I was very excited to see this beautiful pond.

There were beautiful weeping willow trees and I love these stone walls. They are so beautiful!

The next display that I wanted to share was the Wavefield! You can actually go and walk around on the waves that are just created using the land but my friend brought me up to this viewpoint which was amazing!

The view was unbelievable and the blue skies just really made it perfect.

We sat up there for a while and enjoyed the view and the weather and chatted for a bit. It was such a nice time.

More water!

We walked around for a few hours. I ended up with 14,000 steps that day which was amazing and it was just so nice to be able to get outside and walk around. I've truly missed it this summer and it makes me so excited for the weather to cool back down out here in Arizona. Unfortunately it has been well over 100 since I've come back, hitting over 110 at times. I can't believe it's still so hot and it's October!

After our walk around the art center we went to the town of Beacon, NY and went to Kitchen and Coffee for a late lunch. They have amazing vegan options and I got the Baby Kale Caesar Salad. It came with crispy butter beans, house made vegan parm, and pickled onions and it was absolutely delicious! It was nice and refreshing after walking around for a few hours and I loved the addition of the pickled onions!

I wasn't going to get a treat but I saw this vegan pecan bar and I had to get it. I LOVE pecan pie and I haven't had it since going vegan so I decided to get one of these bars. I'm so glad I did because it was absolutely delicious! It was sweet and the topping was kind of chewy and it was just perfect. I highly recommend Kitchen and Coffee and if you ever get the chance to go, definitely try a baked treat, they are so worth it!

After we ate we walked around Main Street in Beacon and then headed home. It was such a wonderful day and I'm so glad that my friend suggested this outing. It was so nice to be outside and spending time with one of my favorite people!

Thank you all so much for reading about my fun day with my friend! I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend and I'll see you back here soon! 💜


  1. I'm glad you got a break from the heat. The Hudson Valley is really lovely! I've mostly only driven through it but it seems so pretty when I have. I'd jump at that pecan bar, too.

    1. Thank you! I LOVE the Hudson Valley area, I would have moved there if I had decided to stay in NY. There are so many beautiful hikes there, I'd love to see it during peak fall! The pecan bar was INCREDIBLE, I wish I had a dozen more, lol!


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