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Vegan Recreation: Chick'n and Broccoli Rice

Hey everyone! I hope that you're all doing ok and keeping cool this summer (if it is summer for you). I know it has been a while since I've posted. I haven't been feeling great, I've been dealing with one of the worst fibromyalgia flares I've had in a really long time. The symptoms have been severe, including intense muscle spasm, vertigo-like dizziness, headaches, nausea, pain and indescribable fatigue. I have been completely exhausted and have been in bed unless I'm at work.... and sometimes in bed while I work. On the days where I have been dizzy I've been working from home as I didn't feel safe driving. I have been feeling a bit better over the past few days and have been more productive. I still need to rest after doing some tasks but at least I've been able to accomplish some chores. I decided to come home during my lunch break and finish my afternoon at home which ended up being a great idea. After work I had a random burst of energy and decid

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