Arizona Adventures: Phoenix Art Museum

Hello everyone! I hope that you're all doing well and had a wonderful weekend. I'm back today with another adventure from a few weeks ago. I was feeling a bit depressed and uninspired so I decided to head up to the Phoenix Art Museum to wander around and check out all of the art. Art museums are always inspiring places for me and I really enjoyed wandering around and checking out all of the exhibits. I only have photographs from two exhibits to share today otherwise this post would be massive but please check out the Phoenix Art Museum website if you are interested in learning about all of the exhibitions that are currently there.

There was art from all over the world and all of it was beautiful, inspiring and impressive. I tend to gravitate toward landscapes because nature is just the most beautiful thing to me (as I'm sure you can tell by now) and I love seeing exhibits from local artists who paint the beautiful desert that surrounds us. You'll see a lot of work inspired by Arizona and New Mexico, two places where I've lived and I've loved both places. I'm sorry that I don't have photos from most of the exhibits but I'm excited to share these!

This was my absolute favorite piece because it just made me think of monsoon season here in Arizona which is the only thing that makes summer bearable. We have incredible storms that bring the temperatures down and it is just glorious for anyone that enjoys a good storm. I absolutely loved this painting.

The next few paintings are all of Arizona desert landscapes and they are everything I love about being here. I'm so sorry I just didn't take note of the artists or titles of the paintings which would have been helpful to post but I didn't think I was going to post it because there was just so much. I decided I had to share these two exhibits with you but unfortunately I have limited information and I'm so sorry about that!

I love the geometric feel of this painting!

I saw this painting out of the corner of my eye and headed right over to it because it just screamed Santa Fe, NM to me and sure enough, reading the description, that is exactly what this painting depicts. It made me feel nostalgic for a place that I loved and miss and it clearly is a good representation because I knew it was Santa Fe immediately.

I absolutely adore these two paintings and the geometric representation of desert landscapes. These were two of my favorite pieces.

I did apparently have the thought to take a picture of the information for this exhibit called "You Are Getting Obliterated in the Dancing Swarm of Fireflies." This was the exhibit I was most excited to see and it absolutely did not disappoint.

The pictures do not do it justice because this room is just heavenly. You walk in to a small room and there are strands of lights hanging from floor to ceiling. The walls are all mirrors so it looks like the lights go on forever. It was absolutely INCREDIBLE

I was lucky enough to have the room to myself so I was able to get photos of many of the different colors that the lights would change to.

This room is just ethereal. There is a time limit but I could have spent all day in there. If you ever have the opportunity to see this exhibit I would highly recommend checking it out!

As I mentioned, I don't have other photos of the other exhibits but there were photography exhibitions, paintings, mixed media, portraits, miniatures, and so much more from all parts of the globe. I went early so it was nice and quiet and was definitely a wonderful place to spend some time to get out of my head and to get inspired again.

Thank you so much for reading and I apologize again for not having more information for each piece for you. I hope you all have a wonderful week and I'll see you back here soon! 💜


  1. Wow the paintings and the fireflies exhibit look just amazing. What a cool experience to hang out in that exhibit by yourself too. And your trip to the Mission in Tucson looked to be a nice outing. It is really great that you are taking some time to enjoy these incredible adventures during this time. I hope everything else is going along smoothly. Hopefully now that the summer is over employers are taking stock and hiring new staff. - Sri.

    1. It was such a nice day, I'm really glad i was able to go. Thank you, I'm hoping that hiring will be getting back to normal and I can secure something soon! In the meantime, I've been trying to make the most of this time and I'm so happy I've been able to have these adventure days!

  2. The light show is really beautiful! I'm sorry you've had a hard time, but I'm glad you're getting out to see things.

    1. Thank you! The room with the lights was absolutely stunning!


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