
Hey everyone! I hope that you're all well. I am sorry that I missed Saturday's post, now that I'm caught up on sharing things I've done since I've moved to Tucson, I may miss a post here and there as it's hot as all hell and I'm not getting out as much. I figured I'd pop in with a quick update on how things are going with the job search and what my posts may look like moving forward.

Unfortunately the job search has been completely uneventful and it has been crickets. The job market is not great right now and opportunities are just not very plentiful. I'm applying to what I can with minimal response but I'm going to keep pushing on to try and make something happen sooner rather than later. In the meantime, I've also decided to work on starting my own business and will be using my free time to try and get that up and running. While I know it takes time to get a business to have any sort of success, I have the time now and believe that using my time to work on my own business will help my mental health as I've been feeling kind of unproductive and useless lately. Having a new routine of applying for jobs then working on building my own business so that I do not have to depend on an employer for my financial security will be hugely beneficial for my mental health.

I'm sure you've noticed that even though all of my past blogs have been very vegan/vegan food focused, I haven't posted much food here other than the restaurants I've tried since moving to Tucson (with only one of them that I tried reccently). I've had a low appetite recently which is more than likely stress related, and have been fighting ED thoughts (no actions, just thoughts) and I didn't think I was in a healthy enough place to post meals and food that I'm currently eating  and making here (mostly because I wasn't comfortable with my posts being centered around food when I was struggling with my relationship with food). I'm happy to say that despite my appetite still not being normal, I'm in a much healthier mindset and feel like I'm in a good place to be posting what I'm eating and get back to the posts that I loved sharing so much before. Please know that if I am sharing those kinds of posts I am in a good place with my relationship to food and I will hold off on those posts if I need a break from them. Also, the lighting in my apartment is atrocious so I'll do the best I can with photos 😅

I think that's all I have for now. Thanks so much for your patience and I'm looking forward to sharing new adventures and the delicious vegan food that I put in my facehole 😂 Since I didn't really have any fun pictures in this post, please see some photos from a gorgeous Mt. Lemmon sunset. See you back here soon! 💜


  1. Thanks for the update! Best wishes on your job hunting and on starting your business. I know you'll be successful. :)

    1. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!

    2. Job searching is so, so stressful. It can be really demoralizing, too. I hope you find some good results from the work you do for yourself. I totally understand (as food-centered as I may be!) that sometimes you just don't want to think that much about food. And YES, I hate the heat, too! And I'm not even in a "hot" climate.

    3. It really has been very stressful! I do my very best not to panic because I know that will not serve me well but sometimes I can't help it. The right opportunity will come along though 😊 and omg I am so over the daily 100+° weather!

  2. Oh honey I am so sorry that the job search is going so slow. I love that you are working on your own business on the side. I do hope that your appetite picks up. I love your nature (and artwork in the past) posts as much as your food posts. So post what you want or take a break if you need it. Take care. - Sri.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and support! 💜 I am looking forward to sharing a bit of everything!


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