Arizona Adventures: Sweetwater Preserve

Hey everyone! It's nice to see you again 😊 I'm excited to share another one of my Arizona adventures with you today. I think using the word adventure may be a little bit of a stretch since this is really just a regular trail hike, but let's be honest... leaving my apartment is an adventure no matter where I go 😂 

Today's hike brings us to Sweetwater Preserve. I really enjoyed this hike and this location and is somewhere I would like to go more often once the weather cools down and I'm able to get out more without risking heat stroke. The trails at this preserve are incredibly easy to navigate, they are pretty flat and you can choose your own adventure making your hike as long or short as you like. This is the type of hike I like to do during the week if I want to get outside before or after work (if I have the energy to do so). I've also heard this is a great place to do some beginner mountain biking which I think would be so fun to try!

As you can see, Arizona is showing off her big, beautiful, blue sky on this day. You can also see the flat trail and the beautiful desert landscape.

Plenty of Saguaros for your viewing pleasure.

They are so much bigger in person than you can imagine. It is so cool to get to see them.

This is my favorite view of the day. I love the Saguaros with the mountain view in the background 😍

We ended up doing about 6 miles this day (I believe). I didn't think we'd be doing that many miles but we were feeling good and decided to keep going once we got to a point where we could have continued for 3 more miles or get back to the car. Another tip I can offer is to bring more water than you think you will need. Don't ask me how I figured that out 😅

I will definitely be heading back to Sweetwater Preserve once the weather stops being so aggressive and will check out some more parts of the trail I didn't get to see yet. I will show you some more of the trails once I'm able to explore the other side of the preserve. I can't wait to get back out there and do some more hiking! I'd also love to try out some mountain biking there.

Thank you, as always, for joining me here today! I'll see you in the next post! 💜


  1. Replies
    1. Do as I say, not as I do 🤣 hope you're well!

  2. Sounds like you have a good group of friends for hiking, eating out, etc. I am always surprised at how green and lush AZ can look compared to my image of the dessert. - Sri.

    1. Yes, I'm lucky that I've met some great people out here! I think the desert gets a bad reputation. I love how much life it has amd how resilient it is.


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