Arizona Adventures: Autumn on Mt. Lemmon

Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well. Thank you for joining me for another post. Today I have another adventure to share with you. Tucson isn't exactly known for it's fall foliage (you need trees for foliage 😂) and this is one thing I do miss in the desert. Coming from NY with such amazing fall foliage it is definitely something I looked forward to every year. Luckily, a friend let me know that she knows where to find some fall foliage and I guess I should not have been surprised that we would find it on my old faithful, Mt. Lemmon.

We drove up the mountain and unfortunately I can't remember the name of the area that we were in but we found some parking and started on a little bit of a hike. I was so pleasantly surprised by the beautiful foliage that we were able to see!

As you can see, we were treated to a bright blue sky and some firey orange and golden yellow leaves.

The trail was gentle and we just enjoyed a peaceful fall morning.

I was so happy to see some beautiful fall colors when I really didn't think it would happen.

You can really see all of the pretty fall colors here.

This was a really pretty, peaceful spot on the trail. I feel like this would be a perfect spot for a picnic.You can really see the reds in this photo.

You can really see much of the color in this picture but the light was so pretty.

This was a really cool view on the trail. I love finding spots like this!

This was a really pretty view by the ski area. Mt. Lemmon really is such an amazing spot, I'm so grateful to be able to escape there whenever I want.

I hope you enjoyed a little taste of fall in Tuscon. I am so happy that I was able to enjoy a little bit of the foliage that I missed so much and a trip up to Mt. Lemmon is always a great time. This year I would really like to find some more festive things to do during the fall and holiday seasons. Seasons are definitely different here in Arizona (winter is amazing, haha!) and I definitely want to make sure I can get out and enjoy everything that Arizona has to offer during its unique seasons.

Thank you so much for joining me today and I look forward to seeing you for the next post! 💜


  1. You photographed this so well! I need to take notes. Every time I try to take photos of fall foliage, they turn out so flat and never do the scene justice.

    I'm so sick of summer that I'm fantasizing about fall every day. I hope you have a great fall in the desert!

    1. Awww thank you! I was just so happy to see the colors, I'm glad it came through with the photos! I am so ready for fall too!


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